13 Nov.
Will USD return back to the golden age?

11 Sep.
There are two possibles count of eurusd, as showing on chart.
No decision is taken untill picture completed.
USD forming a flat, actually it in wave c as showing. I think its good opportunity to buy it and sell near previous high.
UPDATING: target achieved

USD showing a good rally today. In short term I hesitate where should $ will go but in long term Iam bullish $ and bearish euro.. so lets see some chart which may gives a some signals.
first chart is a long term analysis

second is short term

currently USD forming a impulse wave

30 Aug
Dollar shows a confuse count, its better to wait until a good signal appears.
17 Aug
Its clear that the decline from top of 6 Aug was a five waves as I showed in previous post. Now the EURUSD retrace as a three waves either a complete 2 wave or just A wave.
15 Aug
This post is for analysis EURUSD currency, I make it in right upper part of blog to be in prominent place that anyone can see it.
So euro seem losing it strength and it is returning to follow the decline trend. the decline was as five waves, but has it finished or yet? we will find answer in following days.
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